Brian Heberling
Planning for our future while making our community stronger
The Clallam County Charter Review Commission mission is to listen to our constituents' priorities.
Brian is a seasoned business owner with a passion for innovation. He's dedicated to active listening and collaborative teamwork in order to craft charter amendments that meet our current and future needs.
Clallam County's Charter is known as a Home Rule Charter. Only 7 of our state's 39 counties have this structure. Our charter gives us the unique opportunity to propose laws that fit our needs, rather than being directed by Olympia.​
What is the Charter Review Commission?
Clallam County residents have an opportunity to shape our county's government by voting on changes to the County charter every five years. This November, 15 county residents will be elected to the Clallam County Charter Review Commission. Our job will be to review the charter and propose amendments that will be placed on the ballot in the November 2025 election.
Vote for a Proven Leader
I believe in the importance of citizen input, and am thrilled to live in a county where residents have the opportunity to take part in forming our own governmental systems. Having a Home Rule charter means each and every one of us has the chance to express how we feel our county should be operated. The most important task of commission members is to listen to our constituents' priorities, and I take that very seriously. Through one-on-one meetings, candidate forums and polling on this website, I intend to learn which issues rise to the top.​
These are challenging times for our community, and the challenges must be met head-on. Among the issues that I believe are central to our quality of life here are the need to expand economic opportunities, address infrastructure needs, build workforce housing and create disaster preparedness plans.
With decades of experience as a successful business owner, if elected, I am eager to get to work to listen and then craft County Charter recommendations that address these and other critical countywide issues.
Let me know your thoughts!